PART 1 & 2
Set up to educate and offer practical tools to everyone, this program is designed to help you cope with the times that we live in, take care of yourselves, your friends and families and generally know how to increase your level of well-being.
I may have treated very many of you and I now want to teach you ways to help yourselves. And in the bargain raise your vibration!
Life as we have known it is no longer… it has shifted to a new paradigm, and as we understand that, we make the necessary adjustments to the way we think, act and function in our world.
Many of you are already struggling with the ‘old’ ways not knowing how to let go and move into the new vibration that we are existing in now. It’s not so difficult… it’s not so scary… in fact it’s just a few simple steps to the new and exciting version of yourself.
Join me for these exciting and informative courses and learn simple techniques that will change the way you operate in the world.
In this time of great change, we too must learn to change.
We are evolving along with the planet.
As a Holistic Healer and Teacher of many years, I have developed and used different ways to enhance my joy by balancing my mind, body and spirit. Let me show you how.
You will leave with techniques you can use immediately to start taking responsibility for your own well-being.
You will be introduced to a number of ‘tools’ to clear unwanted emotional, mental and physical aspects that may be holding you back. This allows space for the ‘new’ to come in and bring you more of what you really want in your life.
Now that you have cleared the ‘debris’ you have a much better opportunity of moving forward with ease and grace. These techniques will help you on the way to achieve the life you have always wanted… to becoming more of who you really are.
These techniques will help you on the way to achieve the life you have always wanted… to becoming more of who you really are.